Cat Room #1 at PAWS is a room with cages, but the inhabitants are only confined at meal time (when each cat gets their different special diet delivery) and bed time.
Much of the day, there’s a party at Daphne’s condo. That’s her on the bottom left. Matt the Cat is above her, and Yu Yu is in the foreground.
All of the cats in Room #1 are nice gentle cats.
Matt the Cat loves to be brushed, enjoys his dinners, and the company of cats.
Pretty Daphne is a cat’s cat. She can take or leave people, but she loves her feline roommates! This doesn’t make it easy to find her a home.
Friendly, easy-going Yu Yu was brought to PAWS recently when his person became too ill to care for him. He’s quickly become a favorite with volunteers, staff, and cats!
Come to PAWS and find your heart’s desire; whether it is a lap cat, or a new member for your feline tribe.